Intelligent Transportation Systems

ITS Software Development

We have deployed award winning ITS applications and software solutions including 511 traveler information websites, 511 mobile app, standards-based ITS data hub, performance measures, incident management, travel time estimates, travel time display sign control, traffic signal timing data sharing and regional incident notification.

ITS System Integration

Our systems integration expertise includes: Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM), Center-to-Center (C2C) data exchange, centralized traffic signal management, inductive loop and magnetic puck traffic detectors, CCTV, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), Highway Advisory Radio (HAR), event and incident management, construction permits, Bluetooth and WiFi-based Anonymous Re-Identification sensors, Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS), public safety Computer-Aided-Dispatch (CAD), 511 interactive telephone, third-party travel time data, and various open-source software solutions.


OZ Engineering has conducted regionally significant studies regarding emerging ITS technologies and best practices, including Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), wireless communications, video sharing, flood information sharing, and incident management. The typical study approach includes interviews with jurisdictional stakeholders, workshops, analysis of existing practices, assessment of needs, gap analysis, identification of technology options, cost analysis and recommended implementations.